The universal Church – the body of Christ (Romans 12:5) – is composed of all true believers in Christ. However, it is also important to commit to a local church where we can give of our resources, serve others, be accountable to each other, and grow closer in our walk with Christ. The Bible does not directly address the concept of formal church membership, but there are several passages that strongly imply its existence in the early church. Acts 2:47 - “And the Lord added to them day by day those that were being saved.” This verse indicates that salvation was a prerequisite for being “added” to the church.
Although there is no scriptural mandate for official church membership, there is certainly nothing to prohibit it, and it seems the early church was structured in such a way that people clearly knew if someone was “in” or “out” of the church. Church membership is a way of identifying oneself with a local body of believers and of making oneself accountable to proper spiritual leadership.
Church membership is also valuable for organizational purposes. It’s a good way of determining who is allowed to vote on important church decisions and who is eligible for official church positions. Church membership is not required of Christians. It is simply a way of saying, “I am a Christian, and I believe this church is a good church, and I want to be a part of it.”
Here at the Community Chapel of Hesston, we believe that church membership is an important aspect of Christian discipline. As we join together, we are able to encourage each other in our Christian walks and hold each other accountable.
Our Membership Course is a month-long course where we discuss what we believe at CCH, why we believe it, and how we operate as a church. This is an ideal class for those who are new to CCH or those who have been attending for some time (at least 6 months), are involved with the different ministries we offer here at CCH, and would like to become a member of the church. At the end of the course, individuals may fill our Membership Form (attached) and begin the process of becoming a member. Attending the class does not obligate you to join, but it is required for membership.
Here are the steps to follow if you are interested in becoming a member at the Community Chapel of Hesston…
Attend all 4 weeks of Membership Course
Fill out and return Membership Form
After submitting the form, you will meet with the Board of Elders and share (1) your salvation story and (2) why you want to become a member of the church
Membership approvals are made at the Elders Meeting
After approval, Pastor or church office will contact you letting you know, and you will be welcomed into the church family during the next Induction Sunday